電影【阿拉丁】65句 經典台詞金句名言語錄:如果一無所有,就要裝作什麼都有 | 中英文句子對照 Aladdin Quotes

電影【阿拉丁】經典台詞名言金句語錄 Aladdin Quotes

電影【阿拉丁】Aladdin 是2019年 一部由迪士尼改編童話故事的真人電影,也是迪士尼自1992年阿拉丁動畫之後的阿拉丁真人電影。 本文為個人喜好的電影【阿拉丁】Aladdin經典金句台詞總整理。



1、只有一個人能進來,他的價值 無人能比,就像尚未琢磨的鑽石。

Only one may enter here, one who worth lies far within: the diamond in the rough.




阿拉丁名言經典語錄 Aladdin Quotes

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2、 如果你一無所有,就要裝作你什麼都有。

If you don’t have anything, you have to act like you own everything.


3、 你可以讓我變成王子嗎?

Can you make me a prince?


Genie, I wish…to become…a prince!


4、 公主,有時候得試著去冒險。

Sometimes, Princess…Sometimes you just have to take a risk.


5、 你願意相信我嗎?

Do you trust me? [to Jasmine]


6、 他以為他是誰?他應該為我服務, 我的內在跟原來應該一樣沒變吧?阿布?

Who does he think he is? He’s supposed to serve me. I’m the same as I always was on the inside, right, Abu?


7、賈方, 如果你沒有那盞神燈 , 你就什麼也不是,我已經嘗試過失敗了,你也一樣。

You can’t find what you’re looking in that lamp, Jafar. I’ve tried and failed, and so will you.


8、誰讓你成為蘇丹? 誰讓你成為巫師? 總會有一些東西,有些人比你強大。 目前精靈給了你力量,以後他也可以奪走力量, 但是您永遠不會比精靈更強大。 您自己說過,如果不是最強大,就一無是處。 您將永遠是第二。

Who made you a sultan? Who made you a sorcerer? There will always be some thing, some man, some being more powerful than you. Genie gave you your power, and he can take it away. For now. But you’ll never have more power than the genie. You said it yourself, you’re either the most powerful in the room, or you’re nothing. You will always be second.


9、 我沒有對你做任何事,賈方,這是你的願望不是我的,精靈是宇宙間最有力量的。

I haven’t done anything to you, Jafar. This was your wish not mine. A genie may have phenomenal cosmic powers.


10、 精靈,我希望讓你自由。

Genie, I wish…to set you free.


11、 你是對的,人們只會看他們想看到的東西。阿拉丁是過去式,我現在是阿里王子。

Aladdin: But you were right. People see what they want to see. Aladdin is gone. I’m Prince Ali now.






14、 你該看看除了書本及地圖以外,還有妳沒有見過的世界。

You should see these places. I mean there’s a whole world outside of books and maps.





【歌曲】A Whole New World 嶄新的世界




茉莉公主名言經典語錄 Princess Jasmine Quotes 

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Princess Jasmine: Are we in trouble?

Aladdin: Only if you get caught.


17、告訴他們,哈金,當我父親是蘇丹時,你進皇宮的時候還只是一個男孩, 如今你已經成長為我們最值得信賴的士兵。 作為一個男人,我知道你既忠誠又公正。 但是現在,您必須選擇, 職責並不只是勳章。我們最大的挑戰不是挑戰敵人,而是無視我們最為認同的人。 賈方不值得你欽佩,也不值得你為他犧牲。

Tell them, Hakim. You were just a boy when your father came to work the grounds. But you have risen up to become our most trusted soldier. As a man, I know you to be both loyal and just. But now, you have to choose. Duty isn’t always honour. Our greatest challenge isn’t speaking up against our enemies, but defying those whose approval we seek the most. Jafar is not worthy of your admiration, nor your sacrifice.


18、 你是為了尋求自己的榮耀,而非為了我的人民好。

You seek glory for yourself. And you would win it off the backs of my people! [to Jafar]



【歌曲】Naomi Scott - Speechless




精靈名言經典語錄 Genie Quotes 

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19、 現在該是告訴你們阿拉丁公主一起神燈的故事了。

It’s time that I told you the story of Aladdin, the princess and the lamp. [to his children]


20、 好人召喚我,壞人命令我,我將實現誓言,完成3個願望!

O’ great one who summons me, I stand by my oath: loyalty to wishes 3!


21、 「讓我成為王子」這句話有很多灰色區域。 我可以…讓你成為王子。 你必須很注意你的用詞,因為魔鬼藏在細節裡。

There’s a lot of grey area in “make me a prince”. I could just…make you a prince.

Be specific with your words. The deal is in the detail.


22、 我只能把你的外表變成王子,但無法改變你的內在。

I made you look like a prince on the outside, but I didn’t change anything on the inside.



A lot of grey area in that wish, but…most powerful being in the universe, coming right up!



As you wish, Master.



Couple thousand years in a Cave of Wonders ought to cool you off. [throws Jafar’s lamp far away in the desert]



You see, a genie without a master, goes back in their lamp.











【歌曲】Will Smith -Friend Like Me




賈方名言經典語錄 Jafar Quotes 

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You stumble upon an opportunity. I can make you rich. Rich enough to impress the princess. [to Aladdin]



Your life begins now, Aladdin.


33、您知道我做些什麼才得到現在的地位嗎? 做了多少犧牲、埋葬了多少屍體? 在監獄待了五年? 我要人們明白,他們因為低估我而付出代價。 一人之下萬人之上還不夠! 永遠都不夠! 這就是為什麼我需要神燈,而我不再需要你了!

Do you know what I had to do to get the power that I have? The sacrifices that I’ve made, the bodies that I’ve buried? The five years spent in a Shirabad jail? People need to understand that they will pay for underestimating me. Second is not enough! And it will never be enough! That’s why I need the lamp, and why I no longer need you!!


34、哈金! 你服從蘇丹,現在你要服從我。

Hakim! You obey the sultan. So you obey me now.





I think we’ve heard enough from you, Princess. It’s time you start doing what you should’ve done all along. Stay silent.


37、所以這是怎麼回事? 甚至蘇丹的頭銜,也無法喚醒愚蠢的人們。 我早該知道,如果不向蘇丹鞠躬,至少會屈服在巫師面前! 精靈,我希望成為最強大的巫師!

So this is how it will be? Not even the title of sultan would wake the herd from their sleep. I should have known. If you won’t bow before a sultan, you will cower before a sorcerer! [to Genie] Genie, I wish to become the most powerful sorcerer there is!


38、正如先前所說:“如果有機會,你早該離開阿格拉巴。” 我告訴過你要想得大一點,你曾經有機會成為最有權勢的人,但是現在,我拿著神燈!我擁有這個力量!

As the old man said, “You should have left Agrabah when you had the chance.” I told you before to think bigger. You could have been the most powerful man in the room. But now, I hold the lamp! I hold the power!


39、你是這樣想的嗎? 我是蘇丹! 我是世界上最偉大的巫師。 我將創建一個歷史無法忽視的帝國。我可以摧毀城市、毀滅王國,我也可以摧毀你。

You think so? But I am Sultan! I am the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen. I will create an empire that history cannot ignore. I can destroy cities. I can destroy kingdoms. And I can destroy YOU.


40、第二?! 只有第二? 他為我服務!

Second?! Only second?! HE SERVES ME!!


41、我將確保沒有人會再對我說這些話! 精靈,我最後的願望,我希望成為宇宙上最強大的生物! 比你還強大!

I will make sure no one will ever say these words again! Genie, for my final wish, I wish to become the most powerful being in the universe! More powerful than you!


42、我不會忘記你! 記住我的話,我不會忘記你對我所做的一切!

I will not forget you boy! Mark my words, I will not forget what you have done to me!



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43、你觸碰了禁忌寶物! 現在,你將再也見不到明天的曙光!!!

You have touched the forbidden treasure! Now you will never again see the light of DAY!!!


44、「聽著,我做這行了很久了,好嗎? 總有一個人,他欺騙了某人或掩埋了某人,…我的意思是,您明白我的意思。 那傢伙在哪?」(精靈)

Genie: Look, kid, I’ve been doing this a long time, all right? There’s always a guy, you know. He’s cheated somebody or buried somebody or… I mean, you get my point. Where’s that guy?

「 我知道這個人,他在外面。」(阿拉丁)

Aladdin: I know that guy. He’s outside.


45、 記得你的位置,賈方。

Jafar: “Remember your place, Jafar.”

Iago: Remember your place.

Jafar: If I hear that one more time..

Iago: Sorry, Master.


46、 偷蘋果的是小偷,偷國家的則是政治家。(賈方)


47、 這艘船陪伴我們經歷了無數的暴風雨,它可能看起來沒什麼,但他有其他船沒有的東西。

This boat has seen us through many a storm. It may not look like much, but it has something theirs never will.






50、 精靈的魔法就是這麼厲害,大家會看到他們該看的。(精靈)


51、 我們有所偷,有所不偷。(阿拉丁)


52、 我們位階相同,但評價卻不同。(茉莉)


53、 惟有弱者,才會罷手,不是最強者,一無是處。(賈方)


54、「願望」通常跟金錢、能力脫不了關係,但相信我, 世上的錢跟能力都滿足不了你,千萬不要那樣。(精靈)


55、 威力強大,但生活空間卻小到不行。(精靈)


56、 當你是精靈時,別人總是對你有所求。(精靈)


57、 你對自己的條件,要更有信心。(精靈)


58、 這一萬年來,我從來沒有把主人當作朋友。(精靈)


59、「 我都說要把你的女人變成女王。」(精靈)


60、「 要是我不能打動她,還有誰呢?」

「 你這句話是什麼意思?」



61、 精靈的魔法只是表面功夫,真正的性格還是會顯現出來。(精靈)




63、 你會不會覺得你願意相信他,只是因為你只能嫁給王子,不能嫁給小偷。(侍女)


64、 你該想想局勢變化的多快,哈金。(賈方)





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