電影【愛是您愛是我】台詞金句語錄 經典聖誕節電影 (中英文對照) Love Actually Quotes

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電影【愛是您愛是我】經典聖誕節電影簡介 Love Actually Quotes

電影【愛是您·愛是我】Love Actually是一部2003年的英國浪漫喜劇電影,由英國導演李察·寇蒂斯(Richard Curtis)撰寫劇本、編劇兼執導,電影【愛是您·愛是我被視為聖誕節最成功的經典電影溫馨喜劇之一,電影【愛是您·愛是我】Love Actually電影配樂包含多首膾炙人口的聖誕歌曲,並榮獲英國奧斯卡BATFA四項大獎提名、英國奧斯卡最佳男配角、金球獎最佳喜劇以及最佳劇本提名。



電影【愛是您·愛是我】Love Actually演出的主要英國演員大咖雲集,包含:比爾奈伊(Bill Nighy) 、 休葛蘭(Hugh Grant) 、 柯林佛斯(Colin Firth) 、 連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson) 、 艾瑪湯普遜(Emma Thompson) 、 艾倫瑞克曼(Alan Rickman) 、 綺拉奈特莉(Keira Knightley) 、 席安娜蓋蘿莉(Sienna Guillory) 、 克里斯馬歇爾(Kris Marshall) 、 海克瑪卡琪(Heike Makatsch) 、 馬丁費里曼(Martin Freeman) 、 奇維托艾吉佛(Chiwetel Ejiofor) 、 蘿拉琳妮(Laura Linney) 、 湯瑪士桑斯特(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)


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電影【愛是您愛是我】字卡示愛 | 在我心中你是最完美的 To me you are perfect



With any luck, by next year
I’ll be going out with one of these girls…


[Pictures of models]

But for now, let me say,
without hope or agenda,
just because it’s Christmas—


(and at Christmas you tell the truth)


to me, you are perfect
and my wasted heart will love you until you look like this…



[picture of the mummy]





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電影【愛是您愛是我】台詞金句語錄(中英文對照) Love Actually Quotes


“Invite him out for a drink and then, after about twenty minutes, casually drop into the conversation the fact that you’d like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies.” – Harry, Love Actually



2、「美麗的奧蕾利亞,我來這裡的目的是要妳嫁給我。 我知道我這樣很瘋狂,因為我還不夠了解你,但是有時候事情是如此奇妙,愛不需要理由。 我可以跟妳一起住在這裡,或者您可以來英國與我一起住。」

“Beautiful Aurelia, I’ve come here with a view of asking you to marriage me. I know I seems an insane person—because I hardly knows you—but sometimes things are so transparency, they don’t need evidential proof. And I will inhabit here, or you can inhabit with me in England.” – Jamie, Love Actually




“Tell her that you love her. You’ve got nothing to lose and you’ll always regret it if you don’t.” – Daniel, Love Actually





“But the truth is, I’m in love and there’s nothing I can do about it.”




“The thing about romance is people only get together right at the very end.”



6、 “讓我們透過愛把衰事踢開!”

“Let’s get the shit kicked out of us by love!”




“Worse than the total agony of being in love?”




“True love lasts a lifetime.”




“Get a grip; people hate sissies. No one’s ever going to shag you if you cry all the time.”



“If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.”



“Who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?”



12、 “我曾經有一個叔叔叫特倫斯。討厭他。我認為他是個變態。但我非常喜歡你的樣子。”

“I had an uncle called Terence once. Hated him. I think he was a pervert. But I very much like the look of you.”





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