電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes

電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes

電影【三個傻瓜】3 idiot 影片簡介

電影【三個傻瓜】3 idiots(又譯:三傻大鬧寶萊塢、作死不離三兄弟是2009年一部寶萊塢喜劇劇情片,改編自印度暢銷書作家奇坦巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat的處女作小說《五分生》Five Point Someone,由導演拉庫馬希拉尼(Rajkumar Hiran執導,也是印度三罕天王之一的阿米爾罕(Aamir Khan在台灣知名度大開的代表作品。電影【三個傻瓜】3 idiots獲得國際印度電影大獎等多項影展的最佳電影台詞獎。



電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes



電影【三個傻瓜】經典台詞名言佳句金句語錄 3 idiot Quotes

1、All is well.


However big the problem ,tell your heart ,「all is well.pal.」





Chase Excellence,Sucess will follow.



We fretted about the morrow. Free as the wind was he.



Study to beaccomplished,not affluent.



This heart scares easily, You have to trick it.


電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes



With such fear of tomorrow, how’ll you live today?




With just a little courage, you could’ve turned your life around.




For school you don’t need tuition money, just a uniform. Pick a school, buy the uniform, slip into class. In that sea of kids, no one will notice.




Living each moment to the fullest.



電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes



Their life begins with murder, That’s nature. Compete or die.




Dad, what’ ll happen if I become a photo grapher? I’ll earn less,I’ll have a smaller house,a smaller car.But I’ll be happy.I would be really happy.




The chicken’s clueless about the egg’s fate. Will it hatch or become an omeette. No one knows what the future holds. 




I’ve interviewed countless candidates for 25 years. Everyone turns into a yes-man to get the job.


電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes



Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip,But you call such a lion 「well trained」, not 「well educated.」




Why public is e someone’s flaws? If your iron count is low, will the doctor prescribe tonic or air your report on TV?




From birth we were taught, life is a race, run fast or you’ll be trampled. Even to be born, one had to race 300 million sperms.


電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes



A koel bird never makes her own nest. She lays her eggs in other nests and when they hatch, what do they do? They push the other eggs out of the nest. Competition over. Their life begins with murder. That’s nature.




Life is a race. Run fast or you’ll be trampled.




Engineers are a clever bunch. They haven’t made a machine to measure mental pressure. If they had, all would know… this isn’t suicide… it’s murder!




This is a familiar stink. He’s the sole cause for global warming.


電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes


Who was the first man on the Moon? Obviously, it is Neil Armstrong. We all know it. Who was the second? Don’t waste your time. Nobody remembers the man who ever came second.




Hey ‘Virus’! I’m anti-Virus. If any danger, I’ll give the ‘Virus’ alert.



電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes




We’re not done yet! The heavens may beckon you. But we’ll take up arms against God. And it’s not a fight we intend to lose. You may try your best to escape. Try with all your might. But there is no way we are letting go of you. We won’t let go of you. We’re not done yet… no way!



Don’t quit! Just celebrate the ride. Listen to those who love you please.




Make your passion your profession then work will become play.


電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes


He’s not a human, he’s a price tag. He’ll turn your life into a nightmare of brands and prices.




When you see him, do the winds whisper a melody? Your scarf flies in slow motion? The Moon appears gigantic? if you love a person, not an ass.





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電影【三個傻瓜】30句經典台詞名言金句語錄:All is well(中英文對照)3 idiot Quotes


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